1995-'96 Objectives

  1. To maintain Blended Family Grouping in the Primary Division.
  2. To review the School Code of Behaviour and make amendments as required to comply with Ministry and Board initiatives for Violence Free Schools.
  3. To consolidate the initiative to formalize and implement the concepts of the Common Curriculum.
  4. Initiate a more formal approach to the integration and application of computers in the classroom.
  5. To initiate regular, cyclic instruction to assist student development of better relationship models to help in the resolution of conflicts and their daily interactions with peers and teachers.

General aims and objectives

  1. To prepare students for the day-to-day activities that they will experience in their community now and as an adult.
  2. To teach children to read, write and speak well at school and in the community and to acquire a wealth of general, common knowledge about the world in which we live.
  3. To help children develop social skills that will enable them to live in their community and acquire an understanding and appreciation of their country.
  4. To teach children how to access information and be involved in the process of education as a skill for future growth and development.
  5. To pursue excellence in all facets of life and to recognize and appreciate things that are done well.
  6. To foster a sense of community and an appreciation for the responsibilities of a good citizen.
  7. To cultivate moral standards that will help the child make reasoned decisions and choices about their personal health and well-being.
  8. To allow children the freedom to make mistakes and learn a better way to solve their day-to-day concerns so that they can be happy and satisfied with themselves and their work.

Definitive aims of the Primary/Junior programme

  1. The elementary school should stress and/or develop:
  2. Understanding rights and duties of citizenship and acceptance of reasonable regulations.
  3. The ability to live and work with others.
  4. A desire to learn more - the inquiring mind.
  5. The basic tools for acquiring and communicating knowledge.
    a. comprehension
    b. problem solving
    c. analyzing data and classifying
    d. synthesizing
    e. evaluating
  6. The habit of figuring things out for one's self.
  7. A sense of right and wrong - a moral standard of behaviour.
  8. Loyalty to Canada.
  9. Understanding the role of various family members.
  10. Knowledge of and appreciation for the people of other lands.
  11. Enjoyment of cultural activities - the finer things of life.
  12. A fund of information about many things.
  13. An emotionally stable person able to cope with new situations.
  14. A well cared for, well developed body.
  15. A positive and encouraging atmosphere should be developed in the classroom and playground.
  16. Curriculum designed to meet the needs of each individual child.
  17. Keeping parents well informed about the programme of the school and the progress of the pupils by interviewing and reporting.

French as a second language

The program will be provided by Mrs. Suprun as an itinerant in the classrooms on a schedule mutually agreed upon.

Special education resource

Mrs. Karges will assume supervisory responsibilities of the program with emphasis in the Junior Division and will share some of the administrative responsibilities. Mrs. Gadsby will provide assistance to Mrs. Karges and will provide service to students in all grades.

Preparation time for all staff

The collective agreement assures each member of staff access to a minimum of 160 minutes per cycle with a reasonable expectation of no, one, block less that 20 minutes.

Mrs. Malcolm's class leaves early and she should be able to get some relief from music/library and the early dismissal.

Junior Teachers can tap into FSL 6 x 40 = 240 / music 3 x 30 = 90 and 2 x 30 = 60 from the library program.

Primary Teachers have the guideline prescribed 5 x 20 minutes of music and what can be delivered from the Junior Division by junior teachers providing some program responsibilities in the primary classrooms on a regular basis and by special assignment by the Librarian, Miss Gedye.

Special education opportunities

Of the total student population approximately fifteen percent of the students are I.P.R.C. designated to receive modification to program.

Some modification is accomplished within the regular classroom by the homeroom teacher in concert with the Special Education Staff.

Some students benefit most from withdrawal from the regular class to receive instruction on a smaller group basis.

Remedial / resource / withdrawal opportunities

Students who experience frustration related to their inability to perform specific tasks in the classroom will receive additional assistance.

When the teacher observes that students are doing poorly and that frustration is evident, a referral should be made to the school's Special Education Team for a review of progress. The team will discuss the student's strengths and prepare a series of recommendations.

Classroom Resources
When frustration is attributed to a few related skills, help can be provided by some auxiliary assistance to the teacher and the pupil within the classroom setting.

Resource Withdrawal
  1. When frustration is attributed to a series of problems, help can be provided by:
  2. In depth work as part of a remedial group.
  3. Withdrawal from class to participate in a basic, cumulative program that meets the overall skills and abilities of the student.
  4. Recommendations for placement in a highly specialized class or program.

Contained Program
Students who have unique learning styles that inhibit their general rate of learning may well be best served as part of a contained classroom program that highly individualizes expectations and programs.

Speech and Language
Students with unique speech and language patterns should be referred for a complete assessment and recommendations from the therapist.

Enrichment Activities
There are three levels of enrichment activities for all students.

  1. The school provides parallel and extension activities for students who excel in the classroom. These modules are posted by the teacher and students are nominated to take part by the classroom teacher.

  2. Special Education Services through the Enrichment Centre prepare modules to which students are nominated and sent to Delhi for participation.

  3. Students who consistently excel and are deemed to be exceptional students, are review regularly for participation in regular, cyclic programs at the Enrichment Centre.

Reporting to Parents

Parents are made aware of the school's programs through regular information exchanges sponsored both by the classroom teacher and school in general.

Three times a year, formal report cards are prepared and sent home with the students as prescribed by the Board.

At mutually convenient times, teachers schedule interviews with parents for the purpose of reviewing progress and achievement.


The school encourages children to discuss problems they wish to share with the homeroom teacher or the Principal. Where warranted, students join in group and individual counselling with a qualified member of staff.

All matters of discipline are handled by the Principal and Vice-Principal in accordance with the School's Code of Behaviour.

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