
Personal property

Personal property brought to school must remain the responsibility of the student. We discourage bringing radios, tape players and other expensive 'toys' because of the risk of damage or theft. Money for trips, milk and lunch is collected early in the day and must remain the student's responsibility until given to the teacher.

Permission to leave grounds

All students are expected to remain on the grounds once they arrive. Students must ride their own assigned bus and will not be allowed to depart at other than their normal stop unless they have a note from a parent instructing otherwise. Those who ride a bicycle may not leave at noon unless they have permission from a parent.

Lunches and snacks

It is important that your child have a nourishing breakfast and lunch as these provide the energy for maximum learning. Junk food does not constitute a lunch.

Food brought to school is expected to be eaten or taken home. Students are severely discouraged from throwing lunches in the garbage pails.

Student illness/medication

In the event of illness or accident, parents will be notified as soon as possible. Students who are ill and require special care should not be sent to school.

Students who are well enough to attend school should be able to take part in normal activities including outside play at noon and physical education classes. Recurrent and chronic illness should be discussed with Mr. Abbey for further consideration.

Students with acute health problems must be identified and special instructions placed on file to guide teachers.


Please inquire if you have any medication concerns.

Regular daily attendance

Students must attend regularly. It is unwise for students to be absent for more than ten school days per year. This would accommodate the usual illnesses that frequent children. Students who miss more than ten days are reviewed by Attendance and Adjustment Services of the Board by letter requesting further consultation with the school. Please monitor your child's attendance and support our efforts to make every school day important.

Parking lot area

Parents are reminded when transporting their children to school that they should not use the parking lot as a drop-off point. The congestion contributes to confusion and increases the risk of accident and injury.

Absence and lateness

The school will co-operate with the home in accounting for the student's arrival at school. Calls will be made to verify absence. We appreciate an early call advising of an expected absence.

The Regulations require that students bring a note from home to certify the date and reason for their absence from class. Chronic absences are reported to the Board for investigation by the Attendance Counsellor.

Snow days

When busses are cancelled the school is closed. The local radio stations will carry the announcements early in the morning. Please, do not transport your child.

Learning materials

We provide all of the basic learning materials necessary for day-to-day studies. No special binders or bundles of paper are required. Unusual supplies for projects or assignments may not be readily available from our allocation.

Some of our supplies are issued on a school or room basis and may not be readily accessible to the student without some wait. Many find it beneficial to have their own supplies such as:

  • Pencil Case
  • Pencil Crayons or Markers
  • Blue ball point pen for Junior Students
  • Scissors
  • Mathematics Set
  • Glue Stick
  • Calculator (Inexpensive, basic operations only)
  • Pocket French/English Dictionary
The following supplies are not required:
  • Liquid paper
  • Three ring binders
  • Punched, lined, or plain paper

While the Board provides 'basic' supplies, students frequently come armed with binders, markers and reams of paper. Teachers, may ask that students use a certain colour of book or folder for their subject in order to help the student find things easily. If you have any concern or question about supplies, please inquire.

Regardless of the source, students are expected to care for materials and not show a wanton disregard for waste and excess. Vandalism and loss will be brought to the parent's attention.

Activity fees and field trips

Some school sponsored events will have an activity fee that should be the responsibility of the student with the assistance of the parent to pay.

Special class trips and extended field trips all incur additional costs, shared by the participants. In each case the participation of the student is not determined by the ability to pay. All monies levied and collected are viewed as 'donations'. When Permission/Consent Forms are issued, it is imperative that these be returned as soon as possible and not be held up awaiting funds.

Field trips taken during the course of the school day are considered part of the normal day-to-day school curriculum and program and should not be thought of as optional. We expect all students to participate and encourage parents to support this expectation with their children.

When students are excluded from field trips they are expected to attend school and arrangements are made to accommodate their needs. Field trips should never been seen as an opportunity to stay home from school.

Physical education supplies / dress

Students are expected to participate in a vigorous program to develop both their minds and their bodies. The physical activities require a standard of dress that allows free movement while preserving a high margin of safety. All students are expected to participate on a regular basis unless specific, chronic problems documented by the parent in consultation with a doctor are supplied to the homeroom teacher.

The following standard of dress will contribute to the success and safety of the student while engaged in vigorous activity:

  • T Shirt or Sweatshirt (preferably white)
  • Shorts / Track Pants ( not too short please)
  • Running / Athletic Shoes
Depending on the age and grade of the student and the individual requirements of the classroom program students may be required to change for physical education classes. If you have any questions or concerns please direct them to the Homeroom Teacher.

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