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Welcome to D.P.S.

Welcome to Delhi Public School! D.P.S. is a K-6 school serving 370 students in the Delhi area. The Staff is composed of 26 Teachers and two Educational Assistants, One Secretary and two Custodians. Our school has long been known as an "invitational school" where staff and community volunteers work co-operatively to assist our students in meeting their academic, physical, social and emotional needs. Our main goal is to provide a friendly and caring environment in order to help our students attain the best possible education. We invite your involvement and your input.

This year, 96-97, at D.P.S., we have two Kindergarten classes, and two classes of each grade from one through six. We also are fortunate to have a Primary Speech and Language Class which serves the needs of eight primary students from the Norfolk public schools.

This year, we are enjoying amalgamated busing services with the Haldimand-Norfolk Separate School Board. Our bus students, along with grade 7 & 8 students from Windham Public School and secondary students from Delhi District Secondary School share the buses with students from St. Frances Separate School in Delhi.

We have an outstanding staff of Teachers who spend many hours assisting students in learning "the basics" in Language Arts, Mathematics, French, Environmental Studies, Computer Technology, Physical Education, Music, Research Skills, and Art. As well, at D.P.S., students are taught how to think critically, how to solve problems, and how to make use of their creative talents and abilities. Our main focus this year is to provide our students with the opportunity to become computer-literate, and to accomplish the stated outcomes for their particular grade level in each of the above areas of study.

Two new initiatives at Delhi Public School this year are the Reading Recovery Program, a special program for grade one students, and the Mentoring Program, a program sponsored by the Big Brothers/Big Sisters and R.E.A.C.H. for students aged 7-9 years.

Ms. M.L. Norman

Mission Statement Extra Curricular Activities
Community Support D.P.S. School Song

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Grade 1

Mrs. Sergeant
Mrs. Evans
Mrs. Ireland
Mrs. Dertinger

Grade 2

Mrs. Dertinger
Mr. Love
Mrs. Buckle &
Mrs. Feltham

Grade 3

Mrs. Caughill
Mrs. Stafford

Grade 4

Mrs. Blake
Mrs. Hill

Grade 5

Mrs. Bowers
Mr. Coy

Grade 6

Mrs. Townsend
Mr. Davidson


Mrs. Smith


Mr. Wilson


Mrs. Anger

French &

Mme. Holyoak
Mr. Thompson
Mrs. Storey
Mr. Quigg

The Office

Ms. Norman
Mr. Quigg
Mrs. MacGregor


Mr. Birdsell &
Mr. Ebdon